The Importance of Deep Thinking in Children's Education

Diveej Shrestha

Nov 24, 2023 6:13 PM

3 minute read

Deep Thinking in Children's Education

Schools are really good at teaching subjects like math and science. But there's something else important for kids aged 8 to 12, and even older kids aren't getting enough of this important thing. It's called deep thinking. Let's explore what is meant by deep thinking and why it's so important for kids.

What is Deep Thinking?

Deep thinking happens when kids are showing lots of different problems. They need to imagine in their minds the important information they're given and figure out the next steps to solve a problem. It's like having a lightbulb moment, then being able to explain it to others. This is what deep thinking is all about.

Deep Thinking in Schools

In school, when a teacher guides how to solve a problem on the board, kids have a chance to think deeply. They try to understand it fully in their minds. But the trouble is, they don't get to do this as much as they should. In a typical class, they only get one or two chances to really think deeply about a problem, and it's usually just about one main idea.

A New Classroom Focused on Deep Thinking

Imagine a new classroom where deep thinking is the main goal. Every minute is spent on thinking deeply, finding solutions, and sharing ideas. This is different from just learning subjects like math or history. All other subjects are built upon the fundamental ability of deep thinking, which is an essential skill. It's like learning how to build the base of a house before you start work on the walls and roof.

Deep Thinking at Home

Parents can help their kids think deeply at home, too. They can encourage them to spend time each week solving problems, being creative, imagining different things, talking about ideas, or trusting their own feelings. This can give kids a big advantage in school, future jobs, and more.


Deep thinking is a key part of education, but sometimes schools don't pay enough attention to it. It's not just about understanding subjects, but about developing a basic skill that everything else is built on. At Starter School, we believe in the power of deep thinking, and we're dedicated to helping kids develop this crucial skill.

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