The Power of Practice and Feedback in Learning

Diveej Shrestha

Nov 24, 2023 6:13 PM

3 minute read

Key Components of the Practice and Feedback Method

The concept of the practice and feedback method is deeply rooted in ancient teaching methods. Unlike today's schools that often prioritize memorizing, this method was all about applying what you learned, thinking about it, and hearing feedback from teachers. 

Experiential Learning

Active Engagement:

The core of this method is experiential learning. It involves learners actively engaging in tasks, as opposed to passive reading or studying. When you actively take part in tasks, you learn more and understand better.

Learning by Doing:

The process involves continuous interaction with the task at hand and promotes learning through doing and making mistakes. This hands-on approach helps your brain understand the topic much better because you're involved in the task.

The Two-Step Process


The first step involves doing the task over and over. Learners are encouraged to try, solve, and get involved in the learning process.


The second step is crucial. Feedback from teachers or mentors is helpful in discussing performance, suggesting improvements, and setting new goals. This guidance helps you improve faster and set new goals for yourself.

Benefits of the Practice and Feedback Method

Accelerated Learning:

Engaging directly in tasks leads to faster and deeper learning compared to mere memorization.

Rapid Improvement Through Mistakes:

Making mistakes and receiving immediate feedback allows for quick corrections and improvements.

Boosted Confidence:

As children understand things better and notice details, they become more confident. Having mentors who support and give feedback helps them a lot.

Enhanced Memory Retention:

Practical application of knowledge makes your brain work better. It helps you remember and understand things more than just memorizing without really understanding them.

Enhancing Learning Through Practice and Feedback: 

The practice and feedback method transforms learning by focusing on active participation and continuous improvement through mentorship. It's a powerful tool for deepening understanding, encouraging learning, and building confidence, especially beneficial for young learners. Instead of just memorizing, this way of learning is about doing things and getting feedback. It's a big change from the usual way of learning, making it more sensible and helpful.

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